
Born in Bucharest in 1980, Laura started playing the cello at the age of ten and studied from 1999 to 2004 with Prof. Vasile Tugui and Marin Cazacu. Further studies from 2004 with Prof. Frans Helmerson at the Cologne University of Music lead to her Master Degree in 2007. Doctoral degree obtained in 2012. 

While taking part in master classes in Germany, France, the Netherlands and Romania, she also benefited from the advice of famous cellists.

A 1st Prize Winner of the Young Concert Artists Award in New York in 2003, which was additionally garnished with five special prizes, the Romanian cellist Laura Buruiana is quickly establishing a reputation worldwide as “a bonafide virtuoso, drawing a wealth of color, drama, and flowing line from her instrument” (The New York Times) in performances where “one might guess she would also be a very fine singer. She embraces her instrument as an extension of her own body, personifying a lyricism that was fitting for an instrument whose timbre is o close to that of the human voice.” (Washington Post).The same year, Laura also won the 1st Prize of the Premio Arturo Bonucci Competition in Rome.

Laura Buruiana est née à Bucarest en 1980. Elle commence l’étude du violoncelle à l’âge de 10 ans, se préparant au Lycée de Musique « Georges Enesco » de Bucarest avec les professeurs Constantin Gheorghiu et Dan Totan. De 1999 à 2004, elle étudie à l’Université de Musique de Bucarest avec Marin Cazacu et Vasile Tugui. De 2004 à 2007, elle termine son master à la Hochschule für Musik Köln, dans la classe du Professeur Frans Helmerson. Elle obtient son Doctorat en Interpretation Musicale en 2012 à Bucarest.

Tout au long de ses années, elle a participé à de nombreuses masterclasses en Allemagne, Espagne, France, Pays-Bas et Roumanie.

Après l’obtention, en 2003, du Premier Prix au prestigieux concours international Young Concert Artists à New York, la carrière de la violoncelliste roumaine Laura Buruiana prend son essor grâce à cette reconnaissance mondiale. La même année, elle remporte aussi le Premier Prix du Concours International Arturo Bonucci à Rome: «une artiste à l’intuition musicale exceptionnelle, dotée d’une technique accomplie...» (La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno).

This Naxos album features cellist Laura Buruiana and pianist Martin Tchiba in what could be a reference recording of these sonatas. Buruiana's playing is technically brilliant, with spot-on intonation, sweeping musical gestures, and a clear understanding of the score and how her part dialogues with the piano. Likewise, Tchiba is a elegant pianist who produces a wealth of colors which are so necessary in the frequently changing tonal environment of the Second Sonata” (Mikel D. Brownell, All Music Magazine)

Cellist Laura Buruiana and pianist Martin Tchiba made one of the most remarkable CDs of the year” (Holger Hettinger (Deutschlandradio Kultur)